Translation of stupid - Dictionary : English-Cherokee
How do you say stupid in Cherokee? We have searched for you the available information in the English-Cherokee dictionary. You may find below, if available, not only the translation of stupid, but also common expressions and phrases, as well as definitions, to help you better understand how to use it. For many verbs you may find detailed information regarding the conjugation.
We have found the following translations for stupid in Cherokee:
In addition to the English-Cherokee dictionary, which was the starting point for this page while looking for 'stupid', an Cherokee-English dictionary is also available. The two are closely interconnected, being able to be switched by simple clicks. They contain many common expressions and phrases, a wide variety of terms from different fields of activity are included to help you better understand how to use them. Give them a try!
Definition Top
- stupider, stupidest: lacking the ability to learn quickly, slow-witted, dull; dazed, in a stupor; foolish, pointless
- (adj) -er, -est - foolish or unwise; lacking judgment or intelligence She was really stupid to quit her job like that. Whose stupid idea was it to travel at night? One more stupid mistake like that and the whole deal could fall apart. You've said that retiring early was a stupid thing to do. Why did you do it? It would be stupid not to take the threats seriously. (informal) A person might also say a thing is stupid because it annoys them or has in some way caused them a problem. Have your stupid book back if it's so important to you. I hate doing this stupid exercise, I just can't get it right.
- (slang) creative
- (slang) Very