Translation of fox - Dictionary : English-Cherokee


How do you say fox in Cherokee? We have searched for you the available information in the English-Cherokee dictionary. You may find below, if available, not only the translation of fox, but also common expressions and phrases, as well as definitions, to help you better understand how to use it. For many verbs you may find detailed information regarding the conjugation.

We have found the following translations for fox in Cherokee:
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  1. (abbreviation) Field Operational X.500
  2. family name; Fox Studios, movie and television production company located in California and Australia, division of 20th Century Fox
  3. foxes: type of animal from the dog family; fur from a fox; shrewd and cunning person; (Canadian & US Slang) woman who is pretty and sexually attractive
  4. foxes, foxed, foxing: act with cunning; cheat, deceive, bewilder (Slang)
  5. Foxes, Foxed, Foxing: North American Indian people living mainly in Oklahoma but also in Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa, United States They are distinct from but united with the Sauk (Sac) as the Sac and Fox Nation. Their name for themselves is Mesquakie (or Meshkwahkihaki, meaning "People of the Red Earth") and their language is of the Algonquian family. They are believed to have originated from the Great Lakes region. Both the Sauk and the Fox were living in Wisconsin at the time of first European contact. Their permanent villages; near fields in which women cultivated corn, beans and squash; were occupied in summer; in winter they hunted bison on the prairies. A chief and council administered tribal affairs. Families were grouped into clans. Religious life centred on the Grand Medicine Society, whose members enlisted supernatural aid to heal the sick and ensure success in warfare. In the 18th century the Fox joined with the Sauk to war against the French and English. Though unconquered, they retreated south to Illinois and later west to Iowa. In 1832 Black Hawk led a group of Fox and Sauk in an unsuccessful attempt to return to their Illinois lands. In the 2000 United States census some 4,200 people claimed Sac and Fox descent.
  6. Charles, James: born January 24, 1749, London, Eng. died September 13, 1806, Chiswick, Devon; British politician. He entered Parliament in 1768 and became leader of the Whigs in the House of Commons, where he used his brilliant oratorical skills to strongly oppose Britain's policy toward the American colonies. Almost always in the political opposition, he conducted a vendetta against George III and was later an enemy of William Pitt. He served as Britain's first foreign secretary (1782, 1783, 1806). He achieved two important reforms by steering through Parliament a resolution pledging it to end the slave trade and by enacting the 1792 Libel Act, which restored to juries their right to decide what constituted libel and whether or not a defendant was guilty of it. He is remembered as a great champion of liberty.
  7. Vicente, Quesada: born July 2, 1942, Mexico City, Mex. President of Mexico (2000– ) whose election ended 71 years of uninterrupted rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). After earning a degree in business administration from the Ibero-American University in Mexico City, Fox took classes at Harvard Business School. He later worked for the Coca-Cola Company, serving as its chief executive in Mexico (1975–79). In 1987 he joined the National Action Party (PAN) and the following year was elected to the national Chamber of Deputies. Elected governor of Guanajuato in 1995, he left the post in 1998 to focus on his national campaign. As president he sought to improve relations with the United States and calm civil unrest in such areas as Chiapas and Tabasco.
  8. Marion, Francis, The, Swamp: known as The Swamp Fox; born 1732, Winyah, S.C. died February 26, 1795, Berkeley county, S.C., United States American Revolutionary commander. He fought the Cherokee (1759) and later served as a member of the provincial assembly (1775). In the American Revolution he commanded troops in South Carolina. After the surrender of Gen. Benjamin Lincoln to the British at Charleston, S.C. (1780), he slipped away to the swamps, gathered together his band of guerrillas and began leading bold raids on British positions. For a daring rescue of American troops surrounded by the British at Parkers Ferry, S.C. (1781), he received the thanks of Congress. He was then appointed a brigadier general.
  9. Talbot, William, Henry: born February 11, 1800, Melbury Abbas, Dorset, Eng. died September 17, 1877, Lacock Abbey, near Chippenham, Wiltshire; English chemist and pioneer photographer. In 1840 he developed the calotype, an early photographic process that improved on the daguerreotype; it involved the use of a photographic negative from which multiple prints could be made. In 1835 he published his first article documenting a photographic discovery, that of the paper negative. His The Pencil of Nature (1844–46) was the first book with photographic illustrations. Talbot also published many articles on mathematics, astronomy and physics.
  10. foxes, foxed, foxing: Any of various canines resembling small to medium-sized, bushy-tailed dogs. Foxes have long fur, pointed ears, relatively short legs and a narrow snout. They have often been hunted for sport or fur. In a more restricted sense, the name refers to about 10 species of true foxes (genus Vulpes), especially both the Old and New World red foxes.
  11. foxes, foxed, foxing: Arctic fox
  12. foxes, foxed, foxing: bat eared fox
  13. foxes, foxed, foxing: Fox Broadcasting Co.
  14. foxes, foxed, foxing: fox hunting
  15. foxes, foxed, foxing: fox terrier
  16. foxes, foxed, foxing: Fox Charles James
  17. foxes, foxed, foxing: Fox George
  18. foxes, foxed, foxing: Fox Vicente Quesada
  19. foxes, foxed, foxing: gray fox
  20. foxes, foxed, foxing: The Swamp Fox
  21. foxes, foxed, foxing: red fox
  22. foxes, foxed, foxing: common fox
  23. foxes, foxed, foxing: Talbot William Henry Fox
  24. foxes, foxed, foxing: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.
  25. foxes, foxed, foxing: Holland of Foxley and of Holland Henry Richard Vassall Fox 3rd Baron;
  26. an Algonquian-speaking tribe of North American Indians who called themselves Meshkwakihug or Mesquakie (Red-Earth People). When they first met Europeans in 1667, they lived in the forest zone of what is now northeastern Wisconsin. Their permanent villagesnear fields in which women cultivated corn (maize), beans and squashwere occupied in summer; most Fox left the villages after the harvest to participate in communal winter bison hunts on the prairies. A peace chief and council of elders administered tribal affairs; important issues were discussed by the entire tribe until decisions were reached. War parties rallied about men whose skill and reputation made them leaders. Families were grouped into clans that were mainly ceremonial organizations with members tracing their descent from a mythical founder through the male line. A major religious organization was the Midewiwin or Grand Medicine Society, a secret society whose members were believed to be able to heal the sick and to enlist supernatural aid to ensure tribal welfare. Many ceremonies involved the use of sacred medicine bundles, which were collections of magical objects. Beginning about the 18th century the Fox joined with the Sauk (Sac) to war against the French and then the English and, though unconquered, retreated to Illinois and then Iowa. They moved to Kansas in 1842, but in 1857 they returned to Iowa, where they purchased land in Tama county and where they reside today. The Fox have maintained their traditional community: clan and ceremonial organizations survive and the Fox language is spoken in the home. They hold their land as a tribe, with an elected business council to handle funds and relations with the government.
  27. any of various members of the dog family (Canidae) resembling small to medium-sized, bushy-tailed dogs with long fur, pointed ears, relatively short legs and narrow snouts. In a more restricted sense, the name refers to about 10 species of true foxes (Vulpes), especially the red or common, foxes, V. vulpes of the Old World and V. fulva (included with V. vulpes by some authorities) of the New World. Red foxes are widely held symbols of animal cunning and are the subject of a considerable amount of folklore. The native Old World form ranges over virtually all of Europe, temperate Asia and northern Africa; the New World red fox inhabits most of North America north of Mexico. Red foxes, with their coats of long guard hairs and soft, fine underfur, are typically a rich reddish brown with white-tipped tail and black ears and legs. Colour, however, is variable; the colour phases known as black and silver fox are found in North America and the cross or brant, fox is found in both North America and the Old World. Red foxes are generally about 90105 centimetres (3642 inches) long (about 3540 cm of this being tail), stand about 40 cm at the shoulder and weigh about 7 kilograms (15 pounds). Their preferred habitat is mixed farmlands and woodlots. Small mammals, chiefly mice and rabbits, as well as eggs, fruit and birds (including some domestic fowl) comprise the diet; remains of larger animals usually indicate that the fox fed on carrion. Red foxes mate in winter; after a gestation period of about 51 days, the female (vixen) gives birth to 110 cubs (pups) in a den, which is commonly a burrow abandoned by another animal and enlarged by the parent foxes. The cubs remain in the den for about five weeks and are cared for by both parents throughout the summer. Red foxes are hunted by man, one of their few enemies, for sport and fur. Fox pelts, especially those of silver foxes, are commonly produced commercially on fox farms. Wild red foxes, although they are often destroyed for raiding hen houses, are highly beneficial in controlling undesirable rodents. The other members of the genus Vulpes and the varieties of red foxes include the following: African sand fox: pale fox. Bengal fox (V. bengalensis), small gray fox common in southern Asia. Black fox, colour phase of the red fox; sometimes also used as a common name for the fisher. Blanford's fox: hoary fox. Brant fox: cross fox. Chama (caama, cama, kama) fox: South African silver fox. Corsac (corsak) fox (V. corsac), small, steppe-dwelling fox of eastern Eurasia; coat yellowish brown or reddish brown. Cross fox, yellowish brown colour phase of the red fox, having a cross-shaped black marking extending across the shoulders and down the back. Hoary fox (V. cana), Eurasian species about 60 cm in length; coat gray above, white below. Indian fox: Bengal fox . Kit fox (V. macrotis) and swift or plains kit fox (V. velox), large-eared pale foxes of western North American plains and deserts; possibly not separable as two distinct species; colour gray to yellowish brown with black-tipped tail; adult length about 4050 cm without the 2030-cm tail, weight about 1.53 kg; V. macrotis, smaller with larger ears; both forms live in burrows, feed on small animals (rodents, rabbits, insects); shy, uncommon, beneficial in rodent control. Pale fox (V. pallida), yellow to brown desert fox of northern Africa. Ruppell's fox (V. ruppelli), big-eared gray desert fox of northern Africa and southwestern Asia; sometimes; also called fennec; length to 74 cm. Samson fox, genetic mutant strain of red fox found in northwestern Europe; guard hairs lacking, underfur tightly curled. Sand fox: Ruppell's fox . Silver fox, colour phase of the red fox having a variable amount of white or white-banded hairs in the black coat. South African silver fox (V. chama), long-eared, gray-coated species of southern Africa, found particularly in the Kalahari Desert region; sometimes called fennec; length usually less than 60 cm. Steppe fox: corsac fox . Swift fox: kit fox . Tibetan sand fox (V. ferrilata), short-eared, short-tailed central Asian fox with a yellowish coat.
  28. (W O M A N) (n) US (informal) a sexually attractive woman John's girlfriend is quite a fox, isn't she?
  29. Field Operational X.500
  30. Fishery-Oceanography Experiment
  31. (Dream symbol) Threat of cancer in the colon
  32. Rigid VI, Rigid the Sixth, the Sixth, Sixth, Quick Brown Fox, Quick, Brown, Tete d'Oeu, Tete, d'Oeu, Rigid Egg-head, Egg-head, Egg, head: Rigid the Sixth was a devoted husband and father, and was also very fond of animals, in marked contrast to his predecessors who had spent most of their spare time shooting arrows into the wild boars who roamed the palace corridors. Rigid was also something of an eccentric; he invariably spoke English to his subjects but tolerantly allowed them to reply in their native Strine tongue. This democratic monarch's sense of justice was so fastidious that he treated even the royal alphabet with scrupulous fairness, and whenever he spoke he always allowed each letter to make at least on brief appearance